Functions In SQL

Functions In SQL


  1. Functions in SQL are divided into parts Built-in functions and User Defined functions

  2. Built In functions can be further categorized as scalar, aggregate functions

  3. Scalar Functions:

    • In SQL, a scalar function is a function that takes one or more input parameters and returns a single scalar value as the result.

    • Scalar functions are commonly used to perform calculations or manipulations on the input data and return a single value based on the provided parameters.

    • Scalar Function which will return a value for every single row that is passed in

    • Built-In scalar functions are round(), abs()

  4. Aggregate Functions:

    • As the aggregation suggests they will perform aggregation or calculation on a set of values and will return a single value for each set of value

    • Aggregate functions in SQL are used to perform calculations on a set of values and return a single value as the result.

      Here are some common aggregate functions in SQL:

      1. SUM(): Calculates the sum of all values in a column.

         SELECT SUM(sales_amount) AS total_sales FROM sales;
      2. AVG(): Calculates the average value of a column.

         SELECT AVG(salary) AS average_salary FROM employees;
      3. COUNT(): Counts the number of rows or non-null values in a column.

         SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_rows FROM orders;
      4. MIN(): Returns the minimum value in a column.

         SELECT MIN(price) AS min_price FROM products;
      5. MAX(): Returns the maximum value in a column.

         SELECT MAX(quantity) AS max_quantity FROM inventory;
      6. GROUP_CONCAT(): Concatenates the values of a column within each group into a single string.

         SELECT department, GROUP_CONCAT(employee_name) AS employees_list FROM employees GROUP BY department;
      7. The ORDER BY clause in SQL is used to sort the result set of a query based on one or more columns in ascending (default) or descending order. It allows you to arrange the rows in a specific order before presenting the final output. The ORDER BY clause is often used in combination with the SELECT statement to control the sorting of the query results.

        The basic syntax of an ORDER BY query is as follows:

         sqlCopy codeSELECT column1, column2, ...
         FROM table_name
         ORDER BY column1 [ASC|DESC], column2 [ASC|DESC], ...;
      8. STDEV(): Calculates the standard deviation of a column's values

         SELECT STDEV(scores) AS score_standard_deviation FROM exam_results;

Count(column_name) v/s Count(*)

  1. COUNT(column_name):

    • This form of the COUNT() function counts the number of non-null values in the specified column.

    • It counts all rows where the specified column contains a non-null value.

    • If a row has a NULL value in the specified column, it is not included in the count.

    • You can use any column name within the parentheses to count the non-null values in that specific column.


SELECT COUNT(customer_id) AS non_null_customers FROM customers;

This will count the number of non-null customer_id values in the customers table.

  1. COUNT(*):

    • This form of the COUNT() function counts the total number of rows in the result set, regardless of whether there are NULL values in any column.

    • It counts all rows, including those that have NULL values in any column.

    • Using COUNT(*) is useful when you want to count the total number of rows in the result set, regardless of the individual column values.


SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_orders FROM orders;

This will count the total number of rows (orders) in the orders table, including any rows with NULL values in any column.

Group By

The GROUP BY clause in SQL is used in combination with aggregate functions to group rows in a table based on the values in one or more columns. It allows you to perform aggregate calculations on groups of data, rather than on the entire dataset. The result of a GROUP BY query is typically a summary of the data grouped by specific criteria.

The basic syntax of a GROUP BY query is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, aggregate_function(column3)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column1, column2;

Let's break down the syntax:

  • SELECT: Specifies the columns you want to include in the result set.

  • aggregate_function: Represents any aggregate function like COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, etc., that you want to apply to the grouped data.

  • FROM: Specifies the table from which you are retrieving the data.

  • GROUP BY: Indicates the columns based on which the data should be grouped.

When using GROUP BY, the result set will have one row for each group, and the aggregate function will provide a summary value for each group.

Example: Consider a table named orders with columns order_id, customer_id, product_id, and order_amount. If we want to find the total order amount for each customer, we can use GROUP BY as follows:

SELECT customer_id, SUM(order_amount) AS total_order_amount
FROM orders
GROUP BY customer_id;

It's essential to note that when using GROUP BY, the columns in the SELECT clause should either be part of the GROUP BY clause or be aggregate functions. Non-aggregated columns not included in the GROUP BY clause must be part of an aggregate function. Otherwise, the query will result in an error.

Having Clause

  1. The HAVING clause in SQL is used to filter the results of a query based on the results of aggregate functions. It is similar to the WHERE clause, but while the WHERE clause filters individual rows before grouping and aggregating, the HAVING clause filters grouped data after the grouping and aggregation have taken place.

The basic syntax of a query with the HAVING clause is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, aggregate_function(column3)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column1, column2
HAVING condition;

Let's break down the syntax:

  • SELECT: Specifies the columns you want to include in the result set, including any aggregate functions you want to use.

  • FROM: Specifies the table from which you are retrieving the data.

  • GROUP BY: Indicates the columns based on which the data should be grouped.

  • HAVING: Introduces the filtering condition for the grouped data.

  • condition: Represents the condition that must be met for a group to be included in the result set. This condition usually involves aggregate functions.

Example: Consider a table named orders with columns order_id, customer_id, and order_amount. If we want to find the total order amount for each customer and then filter only those customers with a total order amount greater than 1000, we can use the following query:

SELECT customer_id, SUM(order_amount) AS total_order_amount
FROM orders
GROUP BY customer_id
HAVING SUM(order_amount) > 1000;