Concatenation In Sql

Concatenation In Sql

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  1. In SQL, you can concatenate two strings from two columns using the CONCAT function or the + operator, depending on the database system you are using.

  2. Using CONCAT Function:

SELECT CONCAT(column1, ' ', column2) AS concatenated_string
FROM your_table;
  1. Replace column1 and column2 with the actual column names you want to concatenate, and replace your_table with the name of your table. The space within the single quotes is added for a space between the two concatenated strings. You can adjust it based on your desired separator.

  2. Using + Operator (for some database systems):

SELECT column1 + ' ' + column2 AS concatenated_string
FROM your_table;
  1. Again, replace column1, column2, and your_table with the appropriate column names and table name. Note that the usage of the + operator for string concatenation may vary between different database systems. The CONCAT function is more widely supported across different SQL databases.

  2. Here's an example for the first case, assuming you have a table called employees with columns first_name and last_name:

SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS full_name
FROM employees;
  1. This would result in a new column called full_name containing the concatenated strings of first_name and last_name with a space in between. Adjust the column and table names based on your specific database schema.