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Introduction to EDA Intuition Imagine your wolf pack decides to watch a movie you haven’t heard of.There is absolutely no debate about that,it will...
Introduction to Feature Scaling It is the last step in feature transformation. Feature Scaling is a method to standardize the independent features...
What is feature engineering? It is the process of using domain knowledge to extract features from raw data In the machine learning development life...
EDA can be divided into 3 types Univariate (single column analysis) Bi-variate (two-column analysis) Multivariate (more than two column...
7 Basic Questions to ask to Data Before Performing Eda shape of the data First 5 / Last 5 Records Checking For Columns which have null...
Machine Learning Project Development Project Follows The Given Life Cycle STEP 1: Framing the real life that our project will be solving STEP 2: Data...